August 25-26, 2018

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Written on 13/03/2012, 03:34 by admin
usiak-games-and-designs Usiak Games and Designs Usiak Games and Designs is a indie board game publisher based out of Buffalo, NY. Their first game, SKEPTICS has been a joint...
Written on 13/03/2012, 03:34 by admin
roundabout-records Roundabout Records Roundabout Records began as a single crate at a vintage shop in February 2022. Within a year if had become a full-fledged record...
Written on 13/03/2012, 03:34 by admin
cozka-studio Cozka Studio I'm Cozka Studio, a freelance digital illustrator from WV, focusing on drawing character illustrations that go along with the fantasy...
Written on 13/03/2012, 03:34 by admin
extra-life Extra Life WVU Medicine’s Extra Life Charity guild is a group of gamers that decided to make a difference in our state. Over the past 12 years, our...
Written on 13/03/2012, 03:34 by admin
triplecartwork Triple C Motown   "Catherine 'Triple C Motown' is Morgantown's friendly neighborhood freelance digital artist. With a 2D art style inspired by manga...
Written on 05/03/2012, 13:58 by admin
2019-list  Learn about 2019 WVPopCon The West Virginia Popular Culture and Comic Book Convention – also known as WVPopCon – is a convention spanning many of...
Written on 04/09/2012, 16:51 by admin
select-date August 26th, 2023   August 27th, 2023    